About this place

Vessel is an architectural landmark located in the Hudson Yards neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. It is a unique and intricate structure consisting of a network of staircases and platforms that form a honeycomb-like shape. Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, Vessel is an innovative piece of public art that offers a distinct and interactive experience for visitors.

The structure stands at a height of 150 feet (45 meters) and features 154 interconnected staircases, totaling 2,500 individual steps. It is constructed of a copper-colored steel frame and its geometric design creates a visually captivating focal point within the surrounding urban landscape.

Vessel was created with the intention of providing a gathering place and a platform for people to explore and enjoy panoramic views of the city. Visitors can ascend the staircases and platforms, taking in the ever-changing perspectives of the surrounding architecture and skyline.

The name "Vessel" was chosen to reflect the concept of the structure as a vessel for human interaction and engagement. It has become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a unique blend of art, architecture, and urban exploration.

Vessel's design and construction required advanced engineering techniques and materials to achieve its intricate and visually striking form. It serves as a testament to the innovative and creative spirit of New York City, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in urban design.

Since its opening, Vessel has become an iconic symbol of Hudson Yards and a must-visit attraction for those seeking a one-of-a-kind experience in the heart of New York City.