About this place

The Statue of Liberty, located in New York Harbor, is an iconic symbol of freedom and democracy. This colossal statue, officially known as "Liberty Enlightening the World," was a gift from France to the United States and has since become one of the most recognized landmarks in the world.

Designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, with the framework created by Gustave Eiffel, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It stands at a height of 305 feet (93 meters) from the base to the tip of the torch and weighs approximately 450,000 pounds (204 metric tons).

The statue depicts a robed female figure holding a torch in her right hand and a tabula ansata, or tablet, inscribed with the date "July 4, 1776," in her left hand. She is adorned with a crown featuring seven rays, representing the seven continents, and her right foot rests upon broken chains, symbolizing freedom from oppression.

To reach the statue, visitors can take a ferry from Battery Park in Lower Manhattan to Liberty Island, where it is situated. The pedestal of the statue, which offers panoramic views of the city, can be accessed by climbing a series of steps or taking an elevator.

Inside the pedestal, there is a museum that showcases the history and significance of the Statue of Liberty. Visitors can learn about its construction, the symbolism behind its design, and the stories of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island, located nearby, in search of a better life in America.

The Statue of Liberty has long served as a welcoming sight to immigrants arriving in the United States. It has come to symbolize the ideals of freedom, democracy, and opportunity. Today, it stands as a powerful reminder of America's commitment to liberty and continues to inspire millions of visitors from around the world.

As a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Statue of Liberty remains a must-see attraction for anyone visiting New York City. Its towering presence and historical significance make it a cherished landmark that embodies the spirit of America's values and ideals.