About this place

The Devil's Golf Course is a unique and mesmerizing salt pan located in Death Valley National Park, California. It is renowned for its rugged, otherworldly terrain, which consists of large salt crystal formations that resemble a chaotic and jagged landscape.

This natural wonder is formed through the process of salt deposition. As the water evaporates from the area, it leaves behind an intricate network of salt crystals that have been sculpted by the elements over thousands of years. The result is a surreal landscape of rough, uneven, and jagged salt formations that stretch as far as the eye can see.

The surface of the Devil's Golf Course is extremely rough and brittle, making it impassable for conventional golf play. The name "Devil's Golf Course" originates from an old saying that states, "Only the devil could play golf on such rough links." The terrain is inhospitable, and walking on the sharp edges of the salt crystals can be treacherous, so visitors are advised to exercise caution and stay on designated pathways.

The Devil's Golf Course offers a unique opportunity to witness the power of natural forces at work. The harsh desert conditions, combined with the salt deposition process, create an otherworldly landscape that is both beautiful and forbidding. It is particularly striking during sunrise and sunset when the light casts dramatic shadows on the salt formations.

Visiting the Devil's Golf Course provides a chance to marvel at the extraordinary beauty of nature and gain a deeper appreciation for the remarkable geological processes that have shaped the landscape of Death Valley National Park. It serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity and resilience of our planet.